
We all come from families – some loud and boisterous, some quiet and reserved. But what happens when the dynamics of our upbringing have a lasting impact on our adult lives? This is where family of origin issues come in.

These issues encompass the experiences and relationships we have with our primary caregivers during our childhood and adolescence. It’s the foundation upon which we build our sense of self, our emotional intelligence, and the way we navigate the world. 

Sometimes, family of origin issues can create challenges in our adult lives, but understanding them is the first step towards healing and growth.

Family of Origin therapy in Houston, TX

What are family of origin issues?

We all carry a metaphorical suitcase from our childhood – filled with experiences, both good and bad. Sometimes, though, that suitcase gets a little overloaded with things that can weigh us down as adults. 

These are family of origin issues, and while they can be a pain to deal with, understanding them is the first step to feeling lighter and freer.

Here are a few common culprits:

  • Family Drama, On Repeat:

    Maybe your parents fought constantly, or there was a big secret everyone tiptoed around. Family of origin issues can stem from unresolved conflicts that leave a yucky feeling hanging in the air, even years later. This can make it hard to have healthy disagreements in your own relationships – you might subconsciously avoid anything that feels remotely like a fight.

  • Mission: Impossible Expectations:

    Family of origin issues can pop up when parents have these super high expectations that just don’t match who you are. Imagine being pressured to be a star athlete when you’d rather spend your afternoons lost in a good book. This can lead to feeling like you’re never good enough, a struggle that can linger into adulthood.

  • Emotional Distance:

    Did your parents seem emotionally distant or unavailable? Family of origin issues can sometimes root from a lack of secure attachment. This fancy term just means you didn’t learn healthy ways to connect with others early on. As an adult, you might find it hard to trust people or feel comfortable getting close.

  • The Great Wall of Silence:

    Some families just don’t talk about things. Family of origin issues can arise from unhealthy communication styles, where expressing emotions feels off-limits. This can make it tough to be open and honest in your own relationships – you might bottle things up instead of having a healthy conversation.

What is the family of origin disorder?

There isn’t a clinical diagnosis called family of origin disorder

However, the unresolved issues and unhealthy dynamics within a family can contribute to various mental health conditions in adulthood, such as anxiety, depression, or codependency.

Is it me?

If you find yourself wrestling with low self-esteem, struggling to trust others, or falling into unhealthy relationship patterns, family of origin issues could be whispering in your ear. 

But here’s the good news: you’re not stuck with that baggage forever.

What is a dysfunctional family of origin?

A dysfunctional family of origin is one where the family dynamics are unhealthy and can negatively impact the emotional well-being of its members. 

Some signs of a dysfunctional family of origin include:

Family of Origin therapy in Houston, TX
  • Poor Communication:

    This could involve difficulty expressing emotions, passive-aggressive behavior, or a constant state of conflict.

  • Addiction:

    If substance abuse is present in the family, it can create chaos and instability, impacting everyone’s mental health

  • Abuse (emotional or physical):

    Family of origin issues often stem from a history of abuse, which can have lasting psychological consequences.

  • Neglect:

    Family of origin issues can also arise from a lack of emotional or physical support from caregivers.

If you recognize some of these signs in your own family, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone.

What is the family of origin theory?

Imagine yourself as a tiny seedling. The soil you’re planted in, the sunshine and water you receive – all those things play a huge role in how you grow tall and strong. The family of origin theory is kind of like that, but instead of a plant, it’s you, and instead of soil and sunshine, it’s your family experiences.

This theory suggests that our earliest years spent with our families – the good, the bad, and the maybe-we-shouldn’t-talk-about-it stuff – have a big impact on who we become as adults. 

The way we see ourselves, how we connect with others, even the choices we make – they can all be influenced by those family dynamics.

Think about it like this: 

If you grew up in a house filled with warmth, laughter, and open communication, you probably feel pretty confident about expressing yourself and forming healthy relationships. 

But if your family life was more stressful, chaotic, or lacked emotional connection, it might make trust and intimacy a bit trickier to navigate.

The cool thing about the family of origin theory is that it gives you a tool to understand yourself better. 

By recognizing how your past might be playing a role in your present, you can start to rewrite the script, so to speak. It’s not about blaming your family for everything (trust us, they were probably doing the best they could with what they had!), but rather about acknowledging their influence and using that knowledge to grow and flourish.

So, the next time you find yourself in a situation that triggers a familiar, not-so-great feeling, take a step back and ask yourself: 

“Could this be connected to something from my family life?” 

Even a little self-reflection can go a long way in helping you break free from any unhealthy patterns and build a life that feels truly fulfilling.


Our families – they’re the ones who cheered us on as kids, taught us right from wrong (sometimes!), and maybe even drove us a little crazy at times. They play a huge role in shaping who we become.

And hey, sometimes that can mean carrying a bit of extra baggage – family of origin issues.

These issues can be tough to deal with, but here’s the important part: they don’t have to define you! By understanding your past experiences and how they might be influencing your present, you can start a journey of healing and growth. Think of it like going on a hike – sure, the trail might be a little rocky at times, but the view from the top is totally worth it.

Feeling lost or stuck? 

There’s absolutely no shame in reaching out for help. Therapists are like awesome guides on this hike we call life. They can provide a safe space for you to explore your past, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and leave that unwanted baggage behind.

Remember, you are not alone on this path. Millions of people grapple with family of origin issues. 

But the good news is, you have the strength and resilience to overcome them. 

So take a deep breath, put on your hiking boots, and get ready for an amazing adventure of self-discovery.




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9575 Katy Fwy, #291

Houston, Texas 77024